Does SOA11g provides support for a Webservice based on Jax-RPC returning Two-dimensional array?
My answer would be i have surfaced a situation in my recent project in which the webservice was returning a two dimensional String array String[][],i tried alot to pass the data to the Human Task but to no avail...
BPEL could not recognize it,so i modified the code of the webservice and returned String[] containing records as a single String wherein multiple records were separated by pipe( | ),i could separate the data by using xsd type nxsd,but the main issue still remains that all the records were in single node.
You can use
ora:getChildElement(input variable,index)
where input represents the output variable of your invoke service and index represents which record you need to fetch,if you'll try using count( ) function it will return 1( for rpc-soap encoded webservice) dont know about rpc-literal.....
But the main issue will come while assigning that string variable containing the result in XML Element as in order to pass the record for approval the data should be in XML format.....
I am still doing R&D,if i'll get some solution,i will post it ASAP....
I have the xsd based on nxsd style to separate data from pipe( | ),if anyone of you needs it just let me know i'll post it as well
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